Monday, 3 May 2010

May Update

Dear friends,

We send you greetings in the name of our Lord.

Praise the Lord with us that the rains have started and we are feeling a bit cooler. Inside two weeks the grass has grown and it’s time to exercise the lawnmower again.
Thanks for praying for David’s speaking engagement in Kaduna. It went well and they had a safe journey there and back.

Thanks too for praying for the Five Year Development Plan Committee. It was with a great sense of relief that I (Debbie) handed over the plan to the Provost last Thursday. He will take it with him when he travels to the US this Thursday.
This is our last week of teaching before the final exams. We are thankful for the way the Lord has sustained us throughout the semester. Please pray that both staff and students would finish well.

We will go to Jos this weekend as David will attend an SIM Area Council meeting on Friday. Sometime in May I will be involved in a Guest House Board meeting. Please pray for safety in travel and for good discussions and decisions in these meetings.
We’re really looking forward to our month’s holiday in NI beginning on the 3rd June. It’ll be great to see family and many friends again although it’ll be a flying visit. Please don’t laugh if we’re wearing jumpers when you are sweltering in the heat (surely it’s time for a warm summer!!). Our lowest temperature has been 21 C!

Please continue to pray for the peace of this nation and that the Lord would protect and strengthen His people as they face so many difficulties (Heb 10:23-24).

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers on our behalf.

Yours in Christ,

Debbie and David