Friday, 1 October 2010

October update

Dear friends,

Greetings from Kagoro in the name of our Lord Jesus.

I, (Debbie) have been teaching Psalms to two classes so the subject of praising God is much on my mind. Join with us in praising the Lord for answered prayers last month. We praise the Lord for good health and His protection on the roads, in our home and in this community. We are praising Him for help given in the preaching engagements, meetings and classes we were involved in. We praise Him for the way He uses His people to encourage us and bless us through their faithful prayers and giving. We praise Him too for the joy of serving Him in the seminary. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6.

The calendar for October is full so we are asking for more prayer and reasons to praise the Lord in the month ahead. Next Tuesday, our SIM Director and his wife, Phil and Janne Andrew, are coming to visit for the day. Please pray that this visit will be helpful in giving Phil insight into the nature of the ministry in Kagoro. We also seek prayer for more people to join us in serving the Lord at the seminary.

On Friday, David will attend the Seminary Primary School Board meeting and on Saturday he will take part in a sub-committee of the Seminary Board. The good news is that we will have our one week mid-semester break from 11th-15th October. We plan to go to Jos for a couple of days and do our marking. It will be good to have a break from teaching.

Saturday 16th October will be a fund raising event for the Primary school. David will take the devotions at one of the singles' dorms on the 18th and will preach in the seminary on the 25th on Daniel chapter 8. A staff member will get married on the 30th but we haven't decided if we will go or not. Here, everyone is invited to the wedding.

Meanwhile, David and his secretary need the Lord's help as they make preparations for the graduation which will hold on 27th November. This is a busy time as a lot of details have to be in order before the event. We expect 122 students to graduate including our first group of Master's students.

One of our faculty members has written a book on African theology and I am in the process of doing the proofreading. A 100 pages down (after 3 weeks), 100 to go!

Much prayer is needed for the nation as preparations are made for elections at the end of this year and early next year (1 Tim 2:1-4).

Sadly, one of our students was killed in a road accident as he was returning to the seminary last Sunday evening. Pastor Emmanuel was a Master's student and he leaves a wife and five children. Please pray for God to comfort the family and keep us safe as we, and many of our students, travel.

Thank you for your fellowship in this work.

God bless,

Debbie and David