Tuesday, 5 June 2012

June update

Dear Friends,

We send you greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus.

Thank you for praying for our trip to England. We drove about 1,200 miles but had many stops along the way with friends and supporters. It was great to see people again and catch up with things happening in their lives.

Deputation meetings are almost over with only two meetings booked for this month: Debbie taking part in the Women's programme at Lambeg Baptist Church on 13th and myself speaking at the prayer meeting at Cairndaisy Baptist Church on 28th.

We would appreciate prayer as Debbie has minor surgery to remove a non-life-threatening bit of skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma) from her nose on the 14th June. Please pray for a successful procedure and a good recovery.

We are just back from a one-week package holiday in Menorca. It was very relaxing.

Please pray for our preparations to return to Kagoro. We are planning on flying in August for the start of the new semester at the seminary.

Nigeria has been in the world news again with the tragic plane crash in Lagos. One incident not so well reported was a bomb detonated near a church in Bauchi. Join us in prayer for the relatives of those killed and let us keep on praying for peace and stability in the country (1 Tim. 2:1-4).

Thanking you again for your partnership in the ministry by prayer.

David and Debbie