Sunday, 28 October 2012

November update

Dear friends,

We send you greetings from a bright and sunny Kagoro. The rains are gradually easing off and the temperatures are rising.

Thank you for your prayers for us. It's been a busy month especially for David, with many committee meetings and minutes to record. Thank the Lord for the health and strength to serve Him here at the Seminary.

Our mid-semester break went by quickly. In Jos I got part way through the process of renewing my driving license and will hopefully get a bit further on our next trip. It was good to get the car serviced although it meant David had to sit at the mechanics for the whole day! They were very busy.

As we look ahead, the diary is full of activities alongside our normal teaching responsibilities.

David is preaching tomorrow, Sunday, 28th October, in the Seminary church. He will also give a paper on Thursday during our morning service with the students. There will be a management meeting on Monday morning as certain things have to be in order for the Board meeting and Graduation.

On Wednesday afternoon we are having a time of food and fellowship as a community. Coletta Shelly is chairperson of the committee in charge of this huge event which means organizing the purchase, cooking and distribution of food to hundreds of students, staff and their families. Please pray that everything will go smoothly and that we enjoy our time of fellowship together. There will also be games and our normal morning service.

Our good friend, Dr Paul Todd, who is serving with SIM and is Senior Editor for ACTS (Africa Christian Textbook Service), is visiting in November so we plan to go to Jos to see him and do our shopping during the weekend of the 9th November.

David will be taking the minutes of the Seminary Board meeting on the 16th November and the following day going to Jos to take part in the SIM Group Board meeting. SIM Group is SIM's in-house vehicle insurance organization.

Plans are underway for the Graduation exercise which will take place on the 24th November. Committees are working on the various details and I am working with Dr Dennis Shelly on the production of the annual Seminary Newsletter. We would value your prayers for the students to have everything done on time so they are eligible to graduate. This is a lot of work for David and his secretary as well as for the Academic Dean's office. It is always a great day of celebration for the graduates and their families.

The ACTS Board meeting will be held on the 29th November and I will travel for that and the executive meeting on the 28th.

That's a lot going on in a short time! We are much in need of prayer for successful meetings, safe travels and stamina to keep going. Please continue to pray for peace in the nation. We are thankful that our area remains calm. It is a great answer to the prayers of many. Thank you.

May you know the Lord's peace and the abundant supply of His grace as you face the challenges of life (John 1:16).

With Love in Christ,

Debbie and David