Saturday, 2 December 2017

Prayer update for December

Dear Friends,

We send you greetings in the Name of our Lord.

David here. Thanks for helping us in your prayers. We have nearly finished teaching the missions class at the Irish Baptist College and need to do some work on getting another missions class ready which we will begin teaching in January. The students we have been teaching are a fine group of committed believers and we look forward to teaching a different set next year (DV).

Debbie had to postpone taking some women’s meetings scheduled for November since she came down with malaria. This was a surprise since neither of us has been aware of having malaria in the past and we have been away from Africa for some months. Thankfully the treatment worked quickly and Debbie is about to finish a second set of pills to clear the malaria from her liver.

Some of you know Debbie’s Dad, Mr. Len Lyons, was diagnosed with cancer related to exposure to asbestos in his work some decades ago. Apparently, surgery is not an option. He has been on medication to manage the pain and has had two rounds of chemotherapy so far. The medical people say this is not a cure but should help. Please remember him, his wife Doreen and the family circle at this time. We are thankful our Lord brought us back to minister in the UK since it means we can help them in various ways.
I would appreciate prayer as I lead a series of devotions in the week of prayer at Carndaisy Baptist Church (near Moneymore). This is how the believers there start each new year. I have also been asked to take a Sunday service there during the first two Sundays each month from January through to May. God willing, I plan to do a short series on the book of James in those services.

Debbie will continue her series at the Ballynahinch Congregational Church women’s meetings in the new year. Her ladies Bible study class will also continue in January and, no doubt, other opportunities for ministry will emerge.

We are still with SIM and will be doing various things related to the mission in the new year. For example, we will be over in the SIM UK offices in late January to help with the orientation programme for new missionaries. We are also thinking of starting an SIM prayer meeting in our home. There are several such groups in Northern Ireland which meet once each month but none in this area. Its main focus would be to pray for missionaries with SIM who are from the province. Please let us know if you would be interested in being part of that group. Thanks.

Lastly, let us take the opportunity to wish you a blessed Christmas season (Isaiah 9:6).

Yours in Christ,

David and Debbie Colvin