Saturday, 1 December 2018

Prayer update for December

Dear friends,

We send you greetings in the Name of our Lord.

David here.

Thanks for praying for the theological educators’ conference Debbie attended in Panama. She was able to make connections with many people who are also in that ministry and has some work to do following the conference.

I am booked to preach on 2nd and 9th December at Carndaisy Baptist Church and at Ballykeel Baptist on 16th December. Pray all these meetings go well. Thanks.

Debbie continues to teach two ladies’ Bible studies in the Coagh/Moneymore area though there will be a short break over the Christmas season. She is also speaking at a ladies meeting at the Agape Fellowship, Belfast, on Monday 3rd December.

The Missions course Debbie and I taught at the Irish Baptist College in Jan-May 2018 is, sadly, not being offered in 2019. Pray other opportunities to teach will open for us both in the new year.

Thanks for praying for the ‘Hermeneutics 1’ course I have been teaching at Lurgan. The last class of the term is on 8th December. I have received positive feedback from the class which is encouraging. I am preparing to teach two courses (‘Hermeneutics 2’ and ‘Theology Proper’) on Saturday mornings in the new year (DV).

Debbie and I run a prayer meeting for SIM at 8pm in our own home on the first Thursday of each month so the next one is on 6th December. Numbers attending are low but the prayers are great and you are welcome to join us.

Lastly, let us take this opportunity to wish you all a blessed Christmas season and thank you for faithfully praying for us through this year.

In Christ,

David and Debbie

Isaiah 9:6-7