Monday, 5 May 2008

May Update

Dear friends,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. Today the blue skies and warmth remind us of Nigeria. It also reminds us of ‘study weather’ as we are both keeping close to our books and computers as we work to meet the deadlines for our assignments.

Please pray for David as he finishes up his assignment on the Pastoral Epistles and gets ready to do another module of study starting with classes on 19th and 20th May.

I would really appreciate prayer also as all my assignments have to be in next week and I have lots more work to do as well as attending classes.

Thanks so much for your prayers for the various meetings we’ve taken over the last few weeks. We’ve really known the Lord’s help. We will be taking the SIM prayer meeting in Ballymena on the 16th May and then on the evening of the 18th I (Debbie) will be speaking at the Ladies’ service at Lisburn Congregational. I will also be speaking at the Armagh Baptist Ladies’ Fellowship on 30th and David will be preaching at a CWU meeting in Ballynahinch on 1st June.

Almost three weeks ago David’s dad suffered a stroke which has affected his right side. He is in hospital and getting better slowly but is also struggling with a chest infection. We would value prayers for his recovery, especially that he would be able to return home in the near future. Pray for comfort for him and for David’s mum. All the family need prayers as we seek to give the support necessary. We are thankful that, in God’s timing, we are able to be in the country right now.

We are thankful too for safety in travel these days as we are on the road so much.

Thank you for your faithful prayers on our behalf, Colossians 4:2.

Yours in Christ,

Debbie and David