Friday, 6 June 2008

June update

Dear Friends,

We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus our Lord.

Many thanks for your prayers for Debbie as she completed her course. See a photo of Debbie, her fellow graduates, and Graham Cheesman who runs the course below.

I have one more essay to submit, ideally by 20th June, so pray I can get that in on time. I thought I would have had more time to work on it but it needs to be back so it can be marked and, hopefully, I then get permission to proceed with the dissertation.

As far as meetings go, Debbie has a meeting to take on 14th and I will be preaching on 15th and 22nd (D.V.).

My Dad is making slow progress after the stroke he had seven weeks ago and he is still in hospital. Thank you for your prayers and keep on praying for his recovery.

Our colleague, Dennis Shelly, sent us an email about a ‘matching gifts’ opportunity for the development of the facilities at Kagoro Seminary. (See more about that below).

Debbie and I are taking a ‘city break’ to Prague for three days next week so we are looking forward to that. (Hope I can put aside essay writing and sermon preparation for those days!)

Thanks again for your partnership in the Gospel,

David and Debbie