Dear friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of Christ Jesus.
Thank you for your prayers for us here at Kagoro. The teaching is going well as are the other meetings we take from time to time. This month Debbie is leading staff prayers on 10th and 12th and speaking at a youth meeting on 23rd. I am giving a talk to the students in the education department on 17th and am the guest speaker at the wedding of one of our former students on 21st.
The baccalaureate service is scheduled for the evening of 27th and the graduation service for 10:00 am on the 28th November (D.V.). Please continue to pray for the preparations for these and for the events themselves that the Lord will be honoured as the 103 graduates celebrate the completion of their studies.
Our climate here changed almost overnight last week from heavy rain and humidity one day to hot, dry and a bit dusty the next. We had one more short rain through the week but think that is it until March/April next year.
Thanking you again for your help.
In Christ,
David and Debbie