Saturday, 20 February 2010

February update

Dear friends,

Greetings from hot and humid Kagoro. While most of you have been experiencing one of your worst winters for many years, we are having an early hot season. Thankfully, it still cools down a bit in the evenings which is a help. During the day it is over 35 degrees C!

Thank you so much for your prayers as we are now three weeks into the new semester. The students are all back now as well as the new ones who were admitted in January. David is thanking the Lord for a successful admissions process especially as the numbers of students has increased.

David is happy about this but it means I have two of the biggest classes ever and I really do not know how I will cope with the marking as well as managing the classes on a weekly basis. One class has 68 students and the other has 79! To balance it out I have one class with only 8 students, most of whom I have taught before. At least I know the names of this group. David has one class of 73 and another one of 22. Please pray for us and the rest of the faculty as we face the challenge of teaching such large groups.

We really appreciate your prayers for David’s dad. He got out of hospital but had to return a week later. Please continue to pray for him. Thanks.

Our friend, Evelyn Greer, will arrive on Saturday morning to stay with us for a week and then she will go to Jos to stay with another friend. Pray for safety in travel as well as a good time of fellowship together.

Many of you may have heard of the recent violence in Jos. Our hearts go out to the people who lost loved ones, their homes and all their property. Pray for those involved in the relief effort that they would be able to assist those most in need. We are thankful that we were not affected directly but we would value your prayers for peace in this region as well as the rest of the nation.

This semester we are studying James in our devotional services. We need the wisdom James talks about in 3:13-18. Taming the tongue (3:1-12) is even more of a challenge!!

Thank you again for your fellowship in this ministry.

Debbie and David