Dear friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus.
We are going to be in the UK for June on holiday. Pray for a safe journey on 30th and 31st May. Hope the weather isn't too cold. It will be good to see our relatives again and renew fellowship with many others. While we are in the UK we are not planning to take any meetings but will be buying some books for the library since the travel agent (Thirftway Travel) arranged with British Airways to let us have two extra suitcases free of charge. This is granted as long as we put things for the library in them so we want to get some up-to-date books especially for the post-graduate programmes.
Things have been tense at Kagoro since there was trouble in Kafanchan. Some people were unhappy with the way the elections went and responded by destroying property and killing those who supported the winning party. The situation is still volatile and many people are afraid of what may happen next. Pray people will trust in our Lord for protection rather than relying on human resources or charms to keep them safe. Pray also for peace and stability in the country and for the government officials being sworn into office on 29th May.
The Summer Programme at the Seminary has started with registration. During the next nine weeks our colleagues will be teaching about 300 students in three intense, three-week modules. Pray it goes well.
Our second year students will be starting their two-month long practical placements at churches and mission stations this coming weekend. Please pray that they will have opportunity to use their gifts during this time and that they would be growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as they serve Him (2 Pet. 3:18).
Many thanks again for your faithful prayers.
God bless,
Debbie and David