Dear friends,
Greetings from a very cool and wet Kagoro. We are hurtling towards the beginning of a new semester at an alarming rate! We can't put on the brakes but we know with the Lord's help and your faithful prayers we will do all that's necessary to get off to a good start.
Praise the Lord that I ( Debbie) have finished my marking. It's a great relief. Thanks for praying. Please pray for David as he still has some papers to mark. Thankfully his secretary is back from leave which reduces the workload in the office.
This week we have been enjoying the company of Rick Creighton who hopes to come to Kagoro with his wife and family in January. Rev. Alan Purser, the director of Crosslinks mission, was with us for two days at the beginning of the week. Please continue to pray for the Creighton family as they make preparations for this new adventure in serving the Lord.
Yesterday afternoon we had a meeting of all the SIM missionaries in our region. A grand total of seven! We had a good time of prayer and fellowship together which was definitely enhanced by the consumption of a terrific selection of donoughts made by Donna Pridham, our Canadian friend and master baker!.We were discussing some strategy issues so that David could present them at the area council meeting on the 26th August when the International Director will be visiting. Pray for beneficial discussions and wise decisions.
A Theological Educators' conference will be held at the Seminary from this evening until Saturday morning. Many of those involved in the various levels of Theological Education in the denomination will be attending. Please pray for safety in travel and helpful presentations. The time of interaction with teachers from other institutions should also be encouraging.
Next week the orientation programme for new students will be on Monday and Tuesday. The registration process for both the new and returning students begins on Thursday. This is a very busy time for David and his secretary as well as others involved in the necessary administration. Classes begin on 15th and we all need prayer as we start the academic year. Pray especially for a peaceful environment. We are so thankful that our area is still calm. The beginning of the semester means a steep learning curve for new students so pray for them as they adjust to the discipline of study and the routine of Seminary life. Pray along with us that they will have teachable hearts and that we will too (Matthew 22:37-40).
Thank you again for standing with us in this ministry.
Love and God bless,
Debbie and David