Dear friends,
Greetings in the Name of Jesus our Lord.
We are nearing the end of the January-May semester here at the Seminary. Though all of the teachers and our students are tired, pray that we will finish the semester well. The exam week is set for 6 to 10 May so there will be some more marking to complete after that week.
The provost of the seminary arranged for all faculty members to go away for a couple of days to the SIM-run guesthouse at Miango. While we were there we studied a devotional book together and it was a time of great blessing (Heb. 3:13). Thank the Lord for giving the seminary a provost who has a strong vision for the spiritual development of the faculty.
We are using a new generator purchased using a gift from Coagh Baptist Church. Though this gift was given before we returned to Kagoro last year, we didn't buy a new generator right away since the local mains supply was reasonably good back then. Unfortunately, the local supply is now very poor and we go for literally days without any mains electricity. This means we have to run the generator most evenings from about 7 to 10 pm. Thank the Lord for the provision of this new generator.
Over the last 14 years we have been using a kerosene fridge but it is not working well these days. This is not good news since the ambient temperature here is high and without a fridge to keep food items cold and a freezer to keep meat frozen, things go off very quickly. They say laying the fridge on its side, then upside down and on the other side for an hour each time can help so we tried that this morning. We have yet to see if it solves the problem. If not, then we will have to set up a different system.
Debbie has been accepted into a Doctor of Ministry programme of study. This part-time study is offered by the Irish Baptist College and the award is accredited by the University of Chester. Pray for Debbie as she studies. One module is being offered in early June so we will be flying back to the UK on 22nd May (D.V.). Our Lord is once again providing a vehicle for us to use and a place to stay in Northern Ireland. Praise Him. Pray that we will be able to get most of the marking done before we leave and pray for the people who will handle the work in the registry while I am away.
David and Debbie