Dear Friends,
Debbie and I send you greetings in the Name of our Lord.
May is going to be a month with several farewells in it. The Seminary is planning something on Tuesday 2nd, SIM wants us in Jos on the evening of Friday 5th and Fada Gospel Church, here at Kagoro, is planning an event in the afternoon of Sunday 14th. We had to supply short CVs for the last of these. Pray that in all these meetings our Lord will be honoured. SIM asked us to send some photos and pick some music for the Friday event. We suggested Keith and Kristyn Getty’s ‘My worth is not in what I own.’
Debbie has a couple Africa Christian Textbook Service (ACTS) meetings on 8th and 9th May. After these meetings, Debbie will be handing over her work as secretary of the ACTS Board to another person.
The Jan-May semester is almost over and we would like to complete all our marking before we leave. Please pray this will be possible. We plan to spend the last week in May at the SIM-run conference centre at Miango to finish off the marking. We leave for Abuja on 29th and fly to the UK on 30th (DV).
We have already packed a few suitcases and Paul Todd has kindly offered to take two back to the UK for us. Another family in Jos has offered to take a case or two to Wetheringsett in England in June. We thank the Lord for these people who are willing to help in this way. Our prayers are with Paul and Tricia since Tricia’s Mum passed away recently.
Though we will miss being at Kagoro, SIM has a family and a single man scheduled to come here. The family are Kevin, Alexis and their son Liam Stokes from the US and the single man is Alan Moore from Canada. We have sold and donated some of our things to SIM for Short-Term missionary use and this means Alan will be able to move in here and get set up quickly. Alan will work in the seminary’s library, Kevin will be teaching at the Seminary and Alexis will be teaching at the ECWA College of Health Technology here at Kagoro. Pray for them as they settle into ministries here.
Several of our present and former students have been struggling with chronic illnesses so we are sponsoring a couple of medical trips to Jos for them to get properly checked out. Pray the doctors will be able to diagnose what is wrong in each case and prescribe the right treatment.
Thank you for your prayers and we look forward to seeing many of your later in the year (1 Thess 5:17).
In Christ,
David and Debbie Colvin