Dear friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus our Lord.
There is an air of excitement at the Seminary today. Everyone is busy getting ready for the baccalaureate service this evening and the graduation tomorrow (3rd). The baccalaureate service is when all the awards are given to the students who have excelled in one area or another during their studies. It is more like a family get-together whereas the graduation is more formal though still enjoyable. This year we will only have 65 students graduating. Normally it is a larger number than this but many of the degree students were unable to complete writing their theses on time. This probably means the number who graduate next year will be larger. Pray for our graduates as they plan what they will do next.
Since our prayer letter sent out last month, our provost has written to the Board of Governors requesting he step down from the position of provost. He will have been there for nine years by the end of this year. Normally ECWA (Evangelical Church Winning All), which owns the Seminary, gives people such appointments for six years but some people go beyond that as is the case here. Our provost has helped the Seminary to develop in terms of structures and starting higher level programmes of study. He still wants to stay here and teach at the Seminary. The ECWA executive has agreed he should step down.
We are expecting Dr Sunday Agang to come as the new provost. He is presently the Academic Dean at the ECWA Theological Seminary at Jos (JETS). Pray for him as he takes on this new responsibility and for JETS as they select a new Dean. Assuming Prof. Kafang stays here, pray for a good working relationship at the Seminary.
November seems to be a month when people like to visit! We have had visitors from Canada, Australia, the USA and Northern Ireland in the last few weeks. It is great to enjoy the bond that unites us in Christ and we are always happy when people visit the ministry here so they can pray for the work and, possibly, encourage others to join us in missions.
In less than two weeks we will back in the UK. As I look out the window the sky is that continuous blue you often have in jigsaw puzzles. You know the kind where it is easy to put in the pieces where the tree branches are but the rest is more challenging since there are no clouds. The temperature here starts at a modest 22C in the morning and rises to 33C by mid-afternoon. We will be saying goodbye to both these circumstances soon but it will be good to be back in the UK. Seeing family and friends will more than compensate for those cold, dark, winter days.
Now we just have to tackle the marking and packing things away. Pray we get most of the marking done on time and for Debbie who has two meetings in Jos next week in connection with the Africa Christian Textbooks ministry (ACTS).
Thanks for your prayers and we wish you all a happy Christmas and New Year. (2 Cor. 9:15).
In Christ,
David and Debbie
Friday, 2 December 2011
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
November prayer letter
Dear friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dennis and Coletta Shelly will be spending Christmas in the US with their son and daughter but be back in time for the new semester to start in January. We are expecting a new family to join the work at Kagoro soon. Rick and Alanna Creighton are originally from Northern Ireland but have been living in England for some years. They have three young children (the youngest, Jack, was born in October) and SIM is renovating a house at the Seminary for them to use. They hope to arrive in mid-February so pray for them as they make this relocation. Though both Rick and Alanna have been to Nigeria before for short trips, moving here to live will be a major adjustment. Rick is presently completing a doctorate in ethics and theology and will be lecturing at the Seminary. We expect Alanna will be fully occupied at home.
Another answer to prayer for teachers is the arrival of Dr. Gabriel Olaniyan who had been in pastoral ministry for some years and has recently completed a doctorate in Christian Education. We have needed and were praying for someone in this field of study so he will definitely strengthen the faculty in his area of expertise.
Home assignment
We will be back in the UK in December and start taking meetings in January 2012. Pray for the Provost as he selects someone to take on the work of the registrar while I am away. During this time of ‘home assignment’ we will be staying in a house on the Ballygowan road out of Belfast owned by our friends Rev. Mark and Elaine Shaw who are in the Presbyterian ministry in Strabane. We thank the Lord for this provision especially since the apartment we have been using in recent years isn’t available.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you soon. Our contact details will be the usual ones for our times in the UK with phones being: 07810203459 for Debbie and 07833145995 for me. You should be able to contact us on these numbers from 15th December. Apart from these, our usual email addresses will work such as but if you want to send large attachments (i.e. greater than 1M) please use Please address any normal letters for us to my Mum’s address: 29 Woodvale Crescent, Moneymore, Co. Londonderry, BT45 7PT. Thanks.
Our last few weeks here will be busy as we try to finish teaching, marking and packing some things away. The graduation is set for 3rd December and the semester ends just one week later. It is always great to see our students graduate and go off into full-time service. Pray for them as they each seek God’s guidance for the next step (Psalm 31:3).
Curriculum review
Thanks for praying for the curriculum review. Our committee of eight spent three days at the SIM guest house in Miango to work on this. We were able to finalize the contents of the new post-graduate diploma (PGD) in theology and the PGD in Christian Education. These are for people who have a first degree in another discipline and want to switch their specialization. For those who want to study at the master’s level, the PGD can bridge the gap between previous study and the MA programmes offered at the Seminary. The committee also streamlined the design of the five MA programmes. While we were doing things like this, Debbie was catching up with some marking.
Building projects
A Nigerian businessman is sponsoring the construction of a new multi-purpose hall. (It hasn’t made it onto Google Earth yet but you can see some Seminary buildings at 9º, 26”, 25N and 8º, 23”, 15E.) When it is finished, we should be able to hold the graduation services inside. The Seminary Chapel seats only 500 people and the attendance at the graduation is over 1,000 people. The two-storey, 16-unit, married students’ dorm is still under construction and a recent gift from the US should finish the walls. If you want more information on these and other projects check the Seminary’s web page and its links.
We are happy to receive visitors here at Kagoro. Malcolm and Liz McGregor of SIM International were here earlier in the year. Recently Mary Crawford, who is one of the regional representatives for SIM in England, was here to see the work of SIM in this country. Dr. Paul Todd was also in Nigeria at the same time. He is back with SIM and works with the Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS) ministry. Debbie is on the ACTS Board, by the way.
As always, thanks for your prayerful support and please keep on praying for us as we travel and take meetings in the next few months in the UK (Acts 14:27).
Thanks again,
David and Debbie Colvin
We send you greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dennis and Coletta Shelly will be spending Christmas in the US with their son and daughter but be back in time for the new semester to start in January. We are expecting a new family to join the work at Kagoro soon. Rick and Alanna Creighton are originally from Northern Ireland but have been living in England for some years. They have three young children (the youngest, Jack, was born in October) and SIM is renovating a house at the Seminary for them to use. They hope to arrive in mid-February so pray for them as they make this relocation. Though both Rick and Alanna have been to Nigeria before for short trips, moving here to live will be a major adjustment. Rick is presently completing a doctorate in ethics and theology and will be lecturing at the Seminary. We expect Alanna will be fully occupied at home.
Another answer to prayer for teachers is the arrival of Dr. Gabriel Olaniyan who had been in pastoral ministry for some years and has recently completed a doctorate in Christian Education. We have needed and were praying for someone in this field of study so he will definitely strengthen the faculty in his area of expertise.
Home assignment
We will be back in the UK in December and start taking meetings in January 2012. Pray for the Provost as he selects someone to take on the work of the registrar while I am away. During this time of ‘home assignment’ we will be staying in a house on the Ballygowan road out of Belfast owned by our friends Rev. Mark and Elaine Shaw who are in the Presbyterian ministry in Strabane. We thank the Lord for this provision especially since the apartment we have been using in recent years isn’t available.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you soon. Our contact details will be the usual ones for our times in the UK with phones being: 07810203459 for Debbie and 07833145995 for me. You should be able to contact us on these numbers from 15th December. Apart from these, our usual email addresses will work such as but if you want to send large attachments (i.e. greater than 1M) please use Please address any normal letters for us to my Mum’s address: 29 Woodvale Crescent, Moneymore, Co. Londonderry, BT45 7PT. Thanks.
Our last few weeks here will be busy as we try to finish teaching, marking and packing some things away. The graduation is set for 3rd December and the semester ends just one week later. It is always great to see our students graduate and go off into full-time service. Pray for them as they each seek God’s guidance for the next step (Psalm 31:3).
Curriculum review
Thanks for praying for the curriculum review. Our committee of eight spent three days at the SIM guest house in Miango to work on this. We were able to finalize the contents of the new post-graduate diploma (PGD) in theology and the PGD in Christian Education. These are for people who have a first degree in another discipline and want to switch their specialization. For those who want to study at the master’s level, the PGD can bridge the gap between previous study and the MA programmes offered at the Seminary. The committee also streamlined the design of the five MA programmes. While we were doing things like this, Debbie was catching up with some marking.
Building projects
A Nigerian businessman is sponsoring the construction of a new multi-purpose hall. (It hasn’t made it onto Google Earth yet but you can see some Seminary buildings at 9º, 26”, 25N and 8º, 23”, 15E.) When it is finished, we should be able to hold the graduation services inside. The Seminary Chapel seats only 500 people and the attendance at the graduation is over 1,000 people. The two-storey, 16-unit, married students’ dorm is still under construction and a recent gift from the US should finish the walls. If you want more information on these and other projects check the Seminary’s web page and its links.
We are happy to receive visitors here at Kagoro. Malcolm and Liz McGregor of SIM International were here earlier in the year. Recently Mary Crawford, who is one of the regional representatives for SIM in England, was here to see the work of SIM in this country. Dr. Paul Todd was also in Nigeria at the same time. He is back with SIM and works with the Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS) ministry. Debbie is on the ACTS Board, by the way.
As always, thanks for your prayerful support and please keep on praying for us as we travel and take meetings in the next few months in the UK (Acts 14:27).
Thanks again,
David and Debbie Colvin
Creighton family,
home assignment,
Friday, 2 September 2011
September update
Dear friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of our Lord.
Thank you for praying for the start of the August-December semester at the seminary. We had 318 students register for study this time which is above average. Debbie has three classes to teach and I have only one (but with 80 students!) since I will be extra busy in the office this semester. Our seminary catalogue needs to be updated and we have scheduled the curriculum review for the 'mid-semester break' in October. As the secretary for the academic committee I have some work to do in preparation for that review and, no doubt, much more work to do after it.
SIM is concerned about security here and is using various methods of keeping the missionaries up to date with information about disturbances in Jos, for example. The latest channel being tried is Twitter since 'tweets' can be sent and received from ordinary mobile phones. The recent bomb at a UN building at Abuja marks an extension in the violence here and we would appreciate your prayers for peace and stability in the nation.
During the semester we have 'chapel' services at 11:00 am Monday through to Wednesday and then group prayer times on Thursday. The seminary also runs two services on Sunday. This semester the theme is 'Make every effort ... to be holy' from Hebrews 12:14. Our Lord has been using the speakers thus far to challenge us in this area and some people have been staying after services for counselling. Please pray this trend will continue as we all want to pursue holiness.
Thank you for praying for the SIM area council meeting. We had both the international director of SIM, Malcolm McGregor, and the SIM Deputy International Director for this region, Joshua Bogunjoko, with us. The main focus for discussion was strategy for the work of SIM in this country and good progress was made. We were delighted Malcolm and his wife Liz were also able to visit the seminary yesterday. Malcolm spoke on 'Jonah the reluctant missionary' during the chapel service to encourage everyone to have concern for the lost (cf. Jonah 4:11). Though only a few of our students are specifically training for mission work, everyone should be missions-minded.
Thanks again for your interest in us and the work here.
In Christ,
David and Debbie
We send you greetings in the Name of our Lord.
Thank you for praying for the start of the August-December semester at the seminary. We had 318 students register for study this time which is above average. Debbie has three classes to teach and I have only one (but with 80 students!) since I will be extra busy in the office this semester. Our seminary catalogue needs to be updated and we have scheduled the curriculum review for the 'mid-semester break' in October. As the secretary for the academic committee I have some work to do in preparation for that review and, no doubt, much more work to do after it.
SIM is concerned about security here and is using various methods of keeping the missionaries up to date with information about disturbances in Jos, for example. The latest channel being tried is Twitter since 'tweets' can be sent and received from ordinary mobile phones. The recent bomb at a UN building at Abuja marks an extension in the violence here and we would appreciate your prayers for peace and stability in the nation.
During the semester we have 'chapel' services at 11:00 am Monday through to Wednesday and then group prayer times on Thursday. The seminary also runs two services on Sunday. This semester the theme is 'Make every effort ... to be holy' from Hebrews 12:14. Our Lord has been using the speakers thus far to challenge us in this area and some people have been staying after services for counselling. Please pray this trend will continue as we all want to pursue holiness.
Thank you for praying for the SIM area council meeting. We had both the international director of SIM, Malcolm McGregor, and the SIM Deputy International Director for this region, Joshua Bogunjoko, with us. The main focus for discussion was strategy for the work of SIM in this country and good progress was made. We were delighted Malcolm and his wife Liz were also able to visit the seminary yesterday. Malcolm spoke on 'Jonah the reluctant missionary' during the chapel service to encourage everyone to have concern for the lost (cf. Jonah 4:11). Though only a few of our students are specifically training for mission work, everyone should be missions-minded.
Thanks again for your interest in us and the work here.
In Christ,
David and Debbie
Thursday, 4 August 2011
August Update
Dear friends,
Greetings from a very cool and wet Kagoro. We are hurtling towards the beginning of a new semester at an alarming rate! We can't put on the brakes but we know with the Lord's help and your faithful prayers we will do all that's necessary to get off to a good start.
Praise the Lord that I ( Debbie) have finished my marking. It's a great relief. Thanks for praying. Please pray for David as he still has some papers to mark. Thankfully his secretary is back from leave which reduces the workload in the office.
This week we have been enjoying the company of Rick Creighton who hopes to come to Kagoro with his wife and family in January. Rev. Alan Purser, the director of Crosslinks mission, was with us for two days at the beginning of the week. Please continue to pray for the Creighton family as they make preparations for this new adventure in serving the Lord.
Yesterday afternoon we had a meeting of all the SIM missionaries in our region. A grand total of seven! We had a good time of prayer and fellowship together which was definitely enhanced by the consumption of a terrific selection of donoughts made by Donna Pridham, our Canadian friend and master baker!.We were discussing some strategy issues so that David could present them at the area council meeting on the 26th August when the International Director will be visiting. Pray for beneficial discussions and wise decisions.
A Theological Educators' conference will be held at the Seminary from this evening until Saturday morning. Many of those involved in the various levels of Theological Education in the denomination will be attending. Please pray for safety in travel and helpful presentations. The time of interaction with teachers from other institutions should also be encouraging.
Next week the orientation programme for new students will be on Monday and Tuesday. The registration process for both the new and returning students begins on Thursday. This is a very busy time for David and his secretary as well as others involved in the necessary administration. Classes begin on 15th and we all need prayer as we start the academic year. Pray especially for a peaceful environment. We are so thankful that our area is still calm. The beginning of the semester means a steep learning curve for new students so pray for them as they adjust to the discipline of study and the routine of Seminary life. Pray along with us that they will have teachable hearts and that we will too (Matthew 22:37-40).
Thank you again for standing with us in this ministry.
Love and God bless,
Debbie and David
Greetings from a very cool and wet Kagoro. We are hurtling towards the beginning of a new semester at an alarming rate! We can't put on the brakes but we know with the Lord's help and your faithful prayers we will do all that's necessary to get off to a good start.
Praise the Lord that I ( Debbie) have finished my marking. It's a great relief. Thanks for praying. Please pray for David as he still has some papers to mark. Thankfully his secretary is back from leave which reduces the workload in the office.
This week we have been enjoying the company of Rick Creighton who hopes to come to Kagoro with his wife and family in January. Rev. Alan Purser, the director of Crosslinks mission, was with us for two days at the beginning of the week. Please continue to pray for the Creighton family as they make preparations for this new adventure in serving the Lord.
Yesterday afternoon we had a meeting of all the SIM missionaries in our region. A grand total of seven! We had a good time of prayer and fellowship together which was definitely enhanced by the consumption of a terrific selection of donoughts made by Donna Pridham, our Canadian friend and master baker!.We were discussing some strategy issues so that David could present them at the area council meeting on the 26th August when the International Director will be visiting. Pray for beneficial discussions and wise decisions.
A Theological Educators' conference will be held at the Seminary from this evening until Saturday morning. Many of those involved in the various levels of Theological Education in the denomination will be attending. Please pray for safety in travel and helpful presentations. The time of interaction with teachers from other institutions should also be encouraging.
Next week the orientation programme for new students will be on Monday and Tuesday. The registration process for both the new and returning students begins on Thursday. This is a very busy time for David and his secretary as well as others involved in the necessary administration. Classes begin on 15th and we all need prayer as we start the academic year. Pray especially for a peaceful environment. We are so thankful that our area is still calm. The beginning of the semester means a steep learning curve for new students so pray for them as they adjust to the discipline of study and the routine of Seminary life. Pray along with us that they will have teachable hearts and that we will too (Matthew 22:37-40).
Thank you again for standing with us in this ministry.
Love and God bless,
Debbie and David
Monday, 18 July 2011
July prayer letter
Dear praying friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus. Thank you for your faithful prayers for us. We have seen the Lord at work in some difficult situations in the last few months.
During the elections David preached on ‘Surviving the Storms of Life’ from Mark 6:45-52. We were challenged to think about who we turn to in times of crisis and reminded to turn to Christ who alone can help us. Then we were tested to see if we put it into practice. The next day, there was a lot of violence in the far north of the country and in our local market town, Kafanchan (see the picture of the burnt out market). Some of it reached the outskirts of Kagoro. There have been hot spots elsewhere in the country and both Christians and Muslims have been affected. Please pray for the nation and for our local area that peace would reign and that those who plan and carry out acts of violence would come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. The recent events have certainly hindered the work of spreading the Gospel.
We were thankful to the Lord for His protection and help as we finished the semester and then had a lovely one month holiday in Northern Ireland. However, we are concerned about the health needs of our mothers. Pray they would know the Lord’s help.
Presently, the storms we are facing are the usual ones that go with the rainy season, making the temperatures cooler and everywhere muddy. We are trying to complete our marking and get ready for the new semester which begins 15th August. David is in the office each day as his secretary is on leave. His office will be busy with the registration both of new students and returning students the week before we formally resume.
Rev. Alan Purser and Rev. Rick Creighton from Crosslinks mission will visit us at the beginning of August. Rick, his wife and their three preschool children plan to come and serve at the Seminary in January, 2012. Thank the Lord for this answer to prayer and please pray for them as they prepare. We are also expecting two more new faculty members to join us in August.
Micah Bulus, a former student we mentioned in our previous prayer letter, called us yesterday. He is adjusting well to the ministry and was excited to report that 28 people made decisions for the Lord after he spoke at a week-long programme in a different church. Praise the Lord for how He is using him. He will have two more week-long programmes in the next two months so please continue to pray for him.
In December we will return to Northern Ireland for our official home assignment and will be available for meetings from January, 2012.
Thanks again for your prayers.
Debbie and David Colvin
home assignment,
Sunday, 3 July 2011
July prayer update
Dear friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus our Lord.
Many thanks for praying for our time in the UK. It was great to visit close relatives and some friends in the four weeks. The time just flew past and we were not able to visit everyone we wanted to see but should be back in the UK for some months early next year on home assignment. Pray for our mothers both of whom have ongoing health concerns.
While in the UK, we purchased about fifty books for the library and put them in the two extra suitcases we mentioned last month. We thank the Lord that someone in the US has promised to send a sizeable donation (about £3,000) to the seminary for library books so we hope we can reclaim the cost of the books we purchased from that gift once it comes through.
We would also like to thank people for their generosity. Several people gave us financial gifts and Debbie's home church paid for our flights to and from the UK. This is especially touching since we know the economy is not as strong as it used to be in the UK (Phil. 4:19).
My secretary is on leave in July so I will have to spend quite a bit of time in the office running the registry. Both Debbie and I have a lot of marking to do and need to get that completed this month. This is an aspect of teaching we do not particularly enjoy but it needs to be done. Pray we will be consistent in marking the assignments. Normally it would take several working days to mark an assignment since the classes are so large. The new semester starts in mid-August and we need to take time to get ready for that.
This morning the service at Fada Gospel Church lasted three and a half hours. That is longer than usual but it reminded us we are definitely back in Africa!
Please keep on praying for peace and stability in the nation. On our way back to Kagoro from the airport there were noticeably more 24-hour police and army check points along the road.
Thank you again for your prayers.
In Christ,
David and Debbie
We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus our Lord.
Many thanks for praying for our time in the UK. It was great to visit close relatives and some friends in the four weeks. The time just flew past and we were not able to visit everyone we wanted to see but should be back in the UK for some months early next year on home assignment. Pray for our mothers both of whom have ongoing health concerns.
While in the UK, we purchased about fifty books for the library and put them in the two extra suitcases we mentioned last month. We thank the Lord that someone in the US has promised to send a sizeable donation (about £3,000) to the seminary for library books so we hope we can reclaim the cost of the books we purchased from that gift once it comes through.
We would also like to thank people for their generosity. Several people gave us financial gifts and Debbie's home church paid for our flights to and from the UK. This is especially touching since we know the economy is not as strong as it used to be in the UK (Phil. 4:19).
My secretary is on leave in July so I will have to spend quite a bit of time in the office running the registry. Both Debbie and I have a lot of marking to do and need to get that completed this month. This is an aspect of teaching we do not particularly enjoy but it needs to be done. Pray we will be consistent in marking the assignments. Normally it would take several working days to mark an assignment since the classes are so large. The new semester starts in mid-August and we need to take time to get ready for that.
This morning the service at Fada Gospel Church lasted three and a half hours. That is longer than usual but it reminded us we are definitely back in Africa!
Please keep on praying for peace and stability in the nation. On our way back to Kagoro from the airport there were noticeably more 24-hour police and army check points along the road.
Thank you again for your prayers.
In Christ,
David and Debbie
Friday, 27 May 2011
June prayer update
Dear friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus.
We are going to be in the UK for June on holiday. Pray for a safe journey on 30th and 31st May. Hope the weather isn't too cold. It will be good to see our relatives again and renew fellowship with many others. While we are in the UK we are not planning to take any meetings but will be buying some books for the library since the travel agent (Thirftway Travel) arranged with British Airways to let us have two extra suitcases free of charge. This is granted as long as we put things for the library in them so we want to get some up-to-date books especially for the post-graduate programmes.
Things have been tense at Kagoro since there was trouble in Kafanchan. Some people were unhappy with the way the elections went and responded by destroying property and killing those who supported the winning party. The situation is still volatile and many people are afraid of what may happen next. Pray people will trust in our Lord for protection rather than relying on human resources or charms to keep them safe. Pray also for peace and stability in the country and for the government officials being sworn into office on 29th May.
The Summer Programme at the Seminary has started with registration. During the next nine weeks our colleagues will be teaching about 300 students in three intense, three-week modules. Pray it goes well.
Our second year students will be starting their two-month long practical placements at churches and mission stations this coming weekend. Please pray that they will have opportunity to use their gifts during this time and that they would be growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as they serve Him (2 Pet. 3:18).
Many thanks again for your faithful prayers.
God bless,
Debbie and David
We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus.
We are going to be in the UK for June on holiday. Pray for a safe journey on 30th and 31st May. Hope the weather isn't too cold. It will be good to see our relatives again and renew fellowship with many others. While we are in the UK we are not planning to take any meetings but will be buying some books for the library since the travel agent (Thirftway Travel) arranged with British Airways to let us have two extra suitcases free of charge. This is granted as long as we put things for the library in them so we want to get some up-to-date books especially for the post-graduate programmes.
Things have been tense at Kagoro since there was trouble in Kafanchan. Some people were unhappy with the way the elections went and responded by destroying property and killing those who supported the winning party. The situation is still volatile and many people are afraid of what may happen next. Pray people will trust in our Lord for protection rather than relying on human resources or charms to keep them safe. Pray also for peace and stability in the country and for the government officials being sworn into office on 29th May.
The Summer Programme at the Seminary has started with registration. During the next nine weeks our colleagues will be teaching about 300 students in three intense, three-week modules. Pray it goes well.
Our second year students will be starting their two-month long practical placements at churches and mission stations this coming weekend. Please pray that they will have opportunity to use their gifts during this time and that they would be growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as they serve Him (2 Pet. 3:18).
Many thanks again for your faithful prayers.
God bless,
Debbie and David
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Prayer Update for May
Dear friends,
Greetings from Kagoro in the name of our Lord.
Thank you for responding to our urgent prayer request. Praise the Lord for the way we felt the impact of those prayers as we experienced the Lord's peace and protection. Classes were cancelled last week and many students travelled home. Classes resumed this week but most of the students have not returned. They should be back by Monday now that all the elections are over.
We never expected the post-election violence to come so close to our area. In our local market town of Kafanchan, 85 people are said to have lost their lives and many properties, including churches and mosques, were destroyed. Hundreds were killed in a town about 20 miles from us and close to Kagoro, others were killed. In this region, reportedly those who initiated the violence came off worse. Pray with us that there will not be revenge attacks. The level of security has been strengthened in the past week and now there is an army checkpoint on the main road just outside our gate.
Further north, many churches and Christian homes have been burned. Some lost their lives because they refused to renounce their faith. The nation still needs much prayer now that the elections are over.
We were thankful that we had planned to spend Easter weekend at Miango, the SIM-run guest house outside Jos. The Shellys and about a hundred other missionaries were there. We really enjoyed the break from the tensions in Kagoro as well as the fellowship and good food.
Thanks for praying for the various speaking engagements last month. They all went well. Please pray for David as he will be preaching on Sunday, 15th May at the Seminary church.
There are only two more teaching weeks before the final exams. There is a lot to get through as we need to do some extra classes because of the time we lost.
Please pray for wisdom for the Seminary Board which is next Friday, 6th May. David and the Provost are busy getting things ready for that.
It will be great to have the opportunity to travel to Northern Ireland for our month's leave. We plan to arrive on 31st May and we'll be glad to be back whatever the weather!
Thank you again for standing by us in prayer. Pray for all of us at the Seminary that we will keep trusting in the Lord, Nahum 1:7.
Yours in Christ,
Debbie and David
Greetings from Kagoro in the name of our Lord.
Thank you for responding to our urgent prayer request. Praise the Lord for the way we felt the impact of those prayers as we experienced the Lord's peace and protection. Classes were cancelled last week and many students travelled home. Classes resumed this week but most of the students have not returned. They should be back by Monday now that all the elections are over.
We never expected the post-election violence to come so close to our area. In our local market town of Kafanchan, 85 people are said to have lost their lives and many properties, including churches and mosques, were destroyed. Hundreds were killed in a town about 20 miles from us and close to Kagoro, others were killed. In this region, reportedly those who initiated the violence came off worse. Pray with us that there will not be revenge attacks. The level of security has been strengthened in the past week and now there is an army checkpoint on the main road just outside our gate.
Further north, many churches and Christian homes have been burned. Some lost their lives because they refused to renounce their faith. The nation still needs much prayer now that the elections are over.
We were thankful that we had planned to spend Easter weekend at Miango, the SIM-run guest house outside Jos. The Shellys and about a hundred other missionaries were there. We really enjoyed the break from the tensions in Kagoro as well as the fellowship and good food.
Thanks for praying for the various speaking engagements last month. They all went well. Please pray for David as he will be preaching on Sunday, 15th May at the Seminary church.
There are only two more teaching weeks before the final exams. There is a lot to get through as we need to do some extra classes because of the time we lost.
Please pray for wisdom for the Seminary Board which is next Friday, 6th May. David and the Provost are busy getting things ready for that.
It will be great to have the opportunity to travel to Northern Ireland for our month's leave. We plan to arrive on 31st May and we'll be glad to be back whatever the weather!
Thank you again for standing by us in prayer. Pray for all of us at the Seminary that we will keep trusting in the Lord, Nahum 1:7.
Yours in Christ,
Debbie and David
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Prayer Update for April
Dear friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus our Lord.
Thanks for praying for our mid-semester ‘break.’ We were able to get some marking done but not to get it call cleared. Pray we will be able to catch up in this second half of the semester.
Thanks also for praying for the curriculum review. In the end it was postponed until later in the year but we did have some meetings for processing those who have applied for admission to study here. 237 people applied this year. About 100 people have been given admission letters and another 100 are still being processed and will probably be offered admission also. Not all those who get admission letters actually come to study here but these numbers are normal for this period so we thank the Lord people are interested in studying at the seminary.
Debbie has several meetings to take this month so pray for her. Dates are 6th and 11th at the seminary and also a women’s meeting on 8th April at our local church. I am taking the evening service on 17th at the seminary. While we enjoy these opportunities they are in addition to our normal duties at the seminary and this is the hottest time of year. The heat and humidity tend to sap one’s energy.
The people who drilled the borehole returned and installed a manual pump. This has proved very helpful since the local water supply is not good at this time of year. We have purchased a 24 volt d.c. submersible pump and solar panels to power it but have not installed these yet. The plan is to use this system to provide safe, clean water for ourselves and other seminary staff and students living nearby.
One of our former students was preaching at the church recently. The Lord used him as a missionary to plant several churches in Sierra Leone. It is always encouraging to receive such news from former students. He is on home assignment now and plans to return to Sierra Leone in a few months.
There are several elections taking place here this month. Pray it will be a peaceful process and that those elected will discharge their responsibilities as those assigned their tasks by God (Rom. 13:1f ).
Thanks again for your prayers for us and may our Lord bless you in your walk with Him.
In Christ,
David and Debbie
We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus our Lord.
Thanks for praying for our mid-semester ‘break.’ We were able to get some marking done but not to get it call cleared. Pray we will be able to catch up in this second half of the semester.
Thanks also for praying for the curriculum review. In the end it was postponed until later in the year but we did have some meetings for processing those who have applied for admission to study here. 237 people applied this year. About 100 people have been given admission letters and another 100 are still being processed and will probably be offered admission also. Not all those who get admission letters actually come to study here but these numbers are normal for this period so we thank the Lord people are interested in studying at the seminary.
Debbie has several meetings to take this month so pray for her. Dates are 6th and 11th at the seminary and also a women’s meeting on 8th April at our local church. I am taking the evening service on 17th at the seminary. While we enjoy these opportunities they are in addition to our normal duties at the seminary and this is the hottest time of year. The heat and humidity tend to sap one’s energy.
The people who drilled the borehole returned and installed a manual pump. This has proved very helpful since the local water supply is not good at this time of year. We have purchased a 24 volt d.c. submersible pump and solar panels to power it but have not installed these yet. The plan is to use this system to provide safe, clean water for ourselves and other seminary staff and students living nearby.
One of our former students was preaching at the church recently. The Lord used him as a missionary to plant several churches in Sierra Leone. It is always encouraging to receive such news from former students. He is on home assignment now and plans to return to Sierra Leone in a few months.
There are several elections taking place here this month. Pray it will be a peaceful process and that those elected will discharge their responsibilities as those assigned their tasks by God (Rom. 13:1f ).
Thanks again for your prayers for us and may our Lord bless you in your walk with Him.
In Christ,
David and Debbie
Curriculum review,
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Prayer Update for March
Dear Friends,
We send you greetings in Jesus' name. We would also love to share some of the warmth and sunshine we have here with those of you who are just thawing out after such a severe winter. Hot season has arrived.
Thanks for your prayers for David's trip to Ghana where he joined with over a hundred other missionaries and church leaders from West Africa and Europe for the leadership conference. Everything went well and the journeys were uneventful. I (Debbie) decided to stay in Kagoro instead of going to Jos but I slept over in our neighbours' house each night which helped me feel a bit more secure.
We are praising the Lord for seeing us through this part of the semester which has gone well. Our two-week mid-semester break begins 14th March. During that time we will be busy with the supplementary admissions process which means a lot of work for David's office. Faculty members are involved in interviewing prospective students and some of us will mark the entrance exams. Pray for the Lord's guidance in this process.
Marking papers will be my main task during the 'break'. David will spend the second week of the 'break' taking part in the curriculum review. This takes place every five years and is a good opportunity to evaluate the subjects taught and implement any changes necessary. It's a major challenge needing much wisdom as the seminary seeks to fulfil its goals and remain relevant to the needs of this generation. Pray that the decisions made will strengthen the preparation of the students in the areas of their spiritual formation, academic development and practical training.
I would appreciate prayer for the opportunity I will have to take a Bible study at our Women's Fellowship meeting on Friday, 11th March. The subject is 'Caring for Widows', an important issue in this context where there are many widows both young and old.
Campaigning for the series of elections to be held in April will intensify this month. Please pray for peace in the nation, wisdom for those voting and for God-fearing leaders to be chosen at every level of government. Continue to pray for peace in and around Jos.
Thank you for encouraging us by your faithful prayers. We are dependent on the Lord for His help in all our activities (2 Cor. 3:4-5).
Yours in Christ,
We send you greetings in Jesus' name. We would also love to share some of the warmth and sunshine we have here with those of you who are just thawing out after such a severe winter. Hot season has arrived.
Thanks for your prayers for David's trip to Ghana where he joined with over a hundred other missionaries and church leaders from West Africa and Europe for the leadership conference. Everything went well and the journeys were uneventful. I (Debbie) decided to stay in Kagoro instead of going to Jos but I slept over in our neighbours' house each night which helped me feel a bit more secure.
We are praising the Lord for seeing us through this part of the semester which has gone well. Our two-week mid-semester break begins 14th March. During that time we will be busy with the supplementary admissions process which means a lot of work for David's office. Faculty members are involved in interviewing prospective students and some of us will mark the entrance exams. Pray for the Lord's guidance in this process.
Marking papers will be my main task during the 'break'. David will spend the second week of the 'break' taking part in the curriculum review. This takes place every five years and is a good opportunity to evaluate the subjects taught and implement any changes necessary. It's a major challenge needing much wisdom as the seminary seeks to fulfil its goals and remain relevant to the needs of this generation. Pray that the decisions made will strengthen the preparation of the students in the areas of their spiritual formation, academic development and practical training.
I would appreciate prayer for the opportunity I will have to take a Bible study at our Women's Fellowship meeting on Friday, 11th March. The subject is 'Caring for Widows', an important issue in this context where there are many widows both young and old.
Campaigning for the series of elections to be held in April will intensify this month. Please pray for peace in the nation, wisdom for those voting and for God-fearing leaders to be chosen at every level of government. Continue to pray for peace in and around Jos.
Thank you for encouraging us by your faithful prayers. We are dependent on the Lord for His help in all our activities (2 Cor. 3:4-5).
Yours in Christ,
Friday, 4 February 2011
Prayer letter
Dear friends,
We send you greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
SIM area conference
Thanks for praying for the SIM spiritual life conference. It was definitely one of the best we have ever attended. There was good teaching from the book of Jeremiah, the singing was excellent, and even the food was great! I particularly enjoyed being part of the worship team (Psalm 92:1).
Sadly, just over a week after conference one of our missionaries, Anne Burke, passed away suddenly due to an aortic aneurism. Pray for her husband, Peter, who has returned to Australia for an early home assignment, their two daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, and other members of the family.
Trip to Ghana
A number of SIM missionaries and church leaders from West Africa are meeting for a conference arranged by SIM. The conference will focus on discipleship and be held in Ghana from 20th to 24th February. I, David, have been invited to attend while Debbie will stay in Jos during that week. Pray for everyone travelling to and from the conference and that the conference will help everyone in their different ministries.
The new semester
Dennis and Coletta Shelly are back from their home assignment in the US. Both their son Dwight and their daughter Stephanie are now studying in the US so they will miss having them nearby. The provost was also in the US for eye surgery which was successful and he is back at work. Most of the full-time students have returned to the seminary and we are teaching again (Matt. 28:20).
Micah Bulus
One of our November 2010 graduates has been called to pastor a church in Kaduna city. Micah was the valedictorian at the graduation service. He did some work for us around the house while studying here so we know him well and are delighted he has this opportunity to be in the ministry. Pray for him and his wife and family as they settle into life in the city and work with other believers there.
Thanks again for your prayers.
David and Debbie Colvin
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! We pray it will be a year of learning more of the Lord and increasing in our love for Him, Phil 1:9-11. Pray along with us that it will be a year when more people will be won for Christ and the church worldwide will be strengthened in spite of all the enemy is doing to try and destroy it.
We are praising the Lord that one of our students who just graduated, Micah Bulus, has been appointed as Associate Pastor of a church in Kaduna. We are so impressed by his godly character and his commitment to Christ. At graduation he received the award for best all-round student and last week he brought us a list of names of those he has led to the Lord recently. Please pray for him, his wife and their four small children as they adjust to a new environment. Pray for a fruitful ministry for him and other former students who are beginning pastoral ministry.
Sadly, there were bombs in Jos on Christmas Eve and one in Abuja on New Years' Eve. Many have lost their lives and many were injured. The nation needs much prayer for peace and stability in this election year. Pray that God's people would maintain their witness and be kept safe. Thankfully, all is peaceful in Kagoro.
I wonder what kind of gifts you received at Christmas? We were blessed to receive a live chicken, eggs, yams and coffee!! We enjoyed celebrating the greatest Gift of all with Canadian and Korean friends. We also had visits from some of our students who didn't go home for the break. Between Christmas and New Year we were marking papers. There are still more to mark but we've made good progress and should finish before the beginning of the semester.
We arrived in Miango this morning so the worship team can practice for the conference which begins tomorrow afternoon. David and the others are singing their hearts out! We are looking forward to the times of Bible teaching, worship and fellowship. Both David and I are leading small groups after the main sessions in the morning. These times will be spent in discussing the message and in prayer.
Our neighbours in Kagoro, Dennis and Coletta Shelly, return from their home assignment on Saturday morning. Please pray for them as they set up home again and get ready for classes which begin on the 17th January.
The Seminary's admissions process begins on Monday, 10th January. Pray that it will run smoothly and those that the Lord has called to train for service will be accepted for studies. The returning students should be back by the 14th.
Thanks so much for you faithful prayers during 2010. We continue to need them.
Love and God Bless,
Debbie and David
Happy New Year! We pray it will be a year of learning more of the Lord and increasing in our love for Him, Phil 1:9-11. Pray along with us that it will be a year when more people will be won for Christ and the church worldwide will be strengthened in spite of all the enemy is doing to try and destroy it.
We are praising the Lord that one of our students who just graduated, Micah Bulus, has been appointed as Associate Pastor of a church in Kaduna. We are so impressed by his godly character and his commitment to Christ. At graduation he received the award for best all-round student and last week he brought us a list of names of those he has led to the Lord recently. Please pray for him, his wife and their four small children as they adjust to a new environment. Pray for a fruitful ministry for him and other former students who are beginning pastoral ministry.
Sadly, there were bombs in Jos on Christmas Eve and one in Abuja on New Years' Eve. Many have lost their lives and many were injured. The nation needs much prayer for peace and stability in this election year. Pray that God's people would maintain their witness and be kept safe. Thankfully, all is peaceful in Kagoro.
I wonder what kind of gifts you received at Christmas? We were blessed to receive a live chicken, eggs, yams and coffee!! We enjoyed celebrating the greatest Gift of all with Canadian and Korean friends. We also had visits from some of our students who didn't go home for the break. Between Christmas and New Year we were marking papers. There are still more to mark but we've made good progress and should finish before the beginning of the semester.
We arrived in Miango this morning so the worship team can practice for the conference which begins tomorrow afternoon. David and the others are singing their hearts out! We are looking forward to the times of Bible teaching, worship and fellowship. Both David and I are leading small groups after the main sessions in the morning. These times will be spent in discussing the message and in prayer.
Our neighbours in Kagoro, Dennis and Coletta Shelly, return from their home assignment on Saturday morning. Please pray for them as they set up home again and get ready for classes which begin on the 17th January.
The Seminary's admissions process begins on Monday, 10th January. Pray that it will run smoothly and those that the Lord has called to train for service will be accepted for studies. The returning students should be back by the 14th.
Thanks so much for you faithful prayers during 2010. We continue to need them.
Love and God Bless,
Debbie and David
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