Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Update for July

Dear Friends,

We send you greetings in the Name of Jesus our Lord.

Thank you for your prayers for us at the 'Breathe' conference in Switzerland. We enjoyed the contemporary worship, focused messages, casual interaction with other cross-cultural missionaries, and the opportunity to see some of the beautiful Swiss scenery (Heb. 10:24-25). The weather wasn't as warm or the sky as clear as we would have liked but the weather is one of those things one cannot predict or change.

I (David) have been able to complete the marking I brought back to the UK with me through Debbie still has some marking to do. Debbie will also be working on her D.Min. module this month and would value your prayers for this study. She will spend some time in the library at the Irish Baptist College in connection with this study. I am planning to use this month to develop the material I use in some courses I teach at the Seminary and help one of my thesis students. He has sent me two chapters of his work by email so I will have to check those soon since he hopes to graduate in November this year.

Since coming to the UK I have been checking out whether the inexpensive 'Raspberry Pi' computer could be used in our Internet room at the Seminary for browsing and such. The 'Pi' uses very little power which is good given our lack of mains electricity at Kagoro but it runs on the Linux operating system and seems a little slow for our intended use. Netbook computers are, I think, the best option. One goal is to reduce the total power required to run the computers in the Internet room so we can run them using a battery/inverter system for some hours each day.

It has been great to catch up with family and friends here in the UK. There are some people we really need to see this month who are unwell and/or facing major challenges in life so pray our Lord will use us to minister to them. Thanks. We are booked to return to Kagoro on 31st July so please pray for a safe journey back.

Our colleague and neighbour at Kagoro, Dr Dennis Shelly, has had to go to the US since he is suffering from constant pain in his right leg and lower back. He had an MRI scan last week and is scheduled to see a specialist on Friday 5th July. Pray for an accurate diagnosis of the problem and effective treatment. He and his wife Coletta would like to return to ministry at Kagoro as soon as possible.

Yours in our Lord,

David and Debbie Colvin