Dear Friends,
Greetings from Kagoro! Praise the Lord with us for a safe and smooth journey back. There were no problems getting through the airports, our luggage arrived safely and the road trip to Kagoro was uneventful. All of these details were answers to prayer. Thank you!
It was a real blessing to enjoy the sunshine in Northern Ireland!! We also enjoyed the warmth of God's love expressed through family, faithful friends as well as our supporting churches. It is such a privilege to be surrounded by so many caring and supportive people who are committed to praying and sharing their resources. We thank God for you.
Now it's time to focus on the new semester which begins on the 12th August. Next week David will be involved in the orientation programme for the new intake of students as well as the registration process on Thursday. We will have to travel to Jos on Thursday afternoon so David can attend the SIM Area Council meeting on Friday. It may be a public holiday which means more traffic on the roads and the need for much prayer for protection.
David will be teaching a new course and would value prayer for the Exposition of a New Testament Book. The other course he will teach, Acts and Pauline Epistles, has a lot of students which means a lot of work. This year he is the chairman of the Graduation Committee - an additional responsibility. Please pray for good health, strength and wisdom for the challenges ahead.
Thank you for praying for my (Debbie's) studies at the Irish Baptist College. I really enjoyed the classes but now have a lot of work to do by the beginning of December. I was able to spend some time in the library gathering information for my assignment but a lot more has to be done! The Academic Dean was unable to reduce my teaching load which means I will have two large classes and possibly one small one. Thankfully, I have taught all these courses before: Old Testament Introduction, Old Testament Poetic Books and The Pentatuech. I will need much prayer for strength and the ability to use the time well during the next semester.
Dr Dennis Shelly hopes to have surgery on his back on the 8th of August. Please pray for a successful procedure and a return to good health.
Thank for your prayers and fellowship in this ministry. Romans 15:13 is an encouragement as we trust the Lord for all that lies ahead.
Yours in Christ,
Debbie and David